Plot Request: We are now accepting new Plot Request Applications. For more info visit Plot Request page.
Questions about plots, volunteering, or any other non-urgent garden matters? Email the committee: [email protected]
Rule Violations: It is up to all the members of the community garden to help enforce the garden rules. Please take pictures or videos of violations to help us document any issues. We appreciate it if you can help remind violators of the rules. To report violations of the rules please include [Rule violation] in the subject line. In the message please include the plot number where it occurred and a description or material/s (pictures, videos) that show the violation.
Volunteer: If you are interested in volunteering please include [Volunteer] in the subject line.
Please allow us several business days to respond to your emails. Thank you!
Rule Violations: It is up to all the members of the community garden to help enforce the garden rules. Please take pictures or videos of violations to help us document any issues. We appreciate it if you can help remind violators of the rules. To report violations of the rules please include [Rule violation] in the subject line. In the message please include the plot number where it occurred and a description or material/s (pictures, videos) that show the violation.
Volunteer: If you are interested in volunteering please include [Volunteer] in the subject line.
Please allow us several business days to respond to your emails. Thank you!